Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


September 25, 2003  12:04 a.m.


                               Let�s just see how my life is going,

Yes I am now happily engaged to one of the best guys in the world and only so many people are happy for us. Lets see who isn�t or a least seams to not be happy, Lets start with my father well if you knew my dad you would understand he is one of the biggest assholes on the face of the plant! And the other person that seams to not be happy for me is one of the only closest people to me in this world and that is my stupid cousin Stephanie, she was the first person that we told and you know what she said to me and I quote �That�s nice� not congrats, not I�m happy for ya, that�s nice!! Well you know what FUCK HER!!! Its not my fault that she is supporting that FUCKEN LOSER DAVID, you know his type, he�s the kind of guy that smokes all his (or hers) money up in pot (OH BOY THAT A WINNER) and he lives with her for free doesn�t help out with rent, bills, cleaning, ANYTHING!! She is the stupid one not me!!







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