Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


A shittly life sometimes
February 01, 2004  5:36 p.m.


                               I am now learning that I have one of the best lives that anyone could ever want and I think it is shitty!

Aaron is one of then best things that has ever happened to me and will always be. I just can�t live with out him. Since he has been gone (he left on Nov 4th, 2003) I have been diagnosed with �Mild Depression� also I have Anxiety Attacks every other day. The next time that I will be able to see him is May 21st. That�s a little less then 4 months, and one week before our wedding.

I did see him this past week, and it was one of the best weeks I could ever have. Ever chance we got we were in each other�s arms!! I wish that it wouldn�t have ended. I just wish we could lie there holding each other and making love all night long. Yep that is my dream right now. And that wont happen till the end of May.

Another one of my dreams is that he wouldn�t of joined the Army like he did. Yeah I know the Army is a good life for him, me and out future children, but right now I am living the hardest part of it. That is being away from each other. I live off hearing his voice, reading his letters, and text messages, that I receive every now and then through out the day. That�s the hardest part of being away. I even miss him yelling at the football games on T.V.

I guess I�m gonna go back to watching that Super Bowl all by myself (and I hate football).







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