Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


Long Ass Entry
July 28, 2002  12:50 p.m.


                               OK I am a little better now, I still need $440 and I am still not sure how to get it. I�m sure I will think of something.

Greg and I got into a fight today over something stupid. I honestly don�t even remember what it was about. But I left his placed so pissed off, I have never done that since I have known him, he tried to stop my and we were arguing in the hall way and then he walked away and slammed his door pretty hard, he has never done that b/c of me. Well I had drove around a little got something to eat, went home, then I came back and of course one of his friends was over so that meant that the sec I walked into the apartment I wont even get looked at. Well I was right about Greg not even looking at me but Carl was there and he talked to me. But after his friend left he started talking to me! We talked a little I said I was sorry he said he was sorry, and now we are better!!

Last night was a fun night! Shelby bought Greg and I tickets to see the new Austin Powers movie. So Mike, Tammy, Brian, Shelby, Greg, and I went to see it at 9:30. I don�t think that I have ever laughed so hard at any Mike Myers movie. I normally don�t recommend movies but I do with this one. Go see it; it is worth the $7.25.

Greg and I got into another argument again after the movie. This time it was about the trailer that I am going to buy. He said that when we move in he wants to have 4 other room mates. I don�t think so. I couldn�t do that. He says that if I deiced that I want them out I can always kicked them out but 1) I am not like that and 2) I would want them out the sec they moved in.

I can�t live with a lot of people. I can maybe live with Greg and another person but I don�t know. I am the type of person that likes to walk around my house naked after a shower. I am the kind of person that likes to be able to watch my TV when I want to. I told him that we well talk about it later but we haven�t yet.








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