Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


Poem from Greg
July 23, 2002  11:54 a.m.


                               Awww Greg is so sweet. We were lying down next to each other last night when out of nowhere he tells me he wrote a poem. I asked him if I could see it but he told me no �� I wanted to cry but then he said hang on. He had gone into the other room and wrote it down for me �� I was so happy.

Yeah I have had poems written for me, I have a huge ass book of poems that were written for me, but for some reason this one was really special to me.


When I saw you

I was afraid to meet you

When I met you

I was afraid to like you

When I liked you

I was afraid to love you

When I loved you

I was afraid to lose you

That is that poem that Greg wrote for me!!








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