Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


May 23, 2002  8:44 p.m.


                               Well let�s see, I didn�t go to work today. I sat at home and did nothing. What a life I have. I talked to Jesse today. He is such an ass. He accused me of smoking pot! Yeah Right me do drugs. Yeah you have to have a life to do that shit. What an ass. Grrr. Graduation in a week! I can�t wait! All of next week is going to be busier then hell. On Monday, well I do nothing but then on Tuesday I have to be at school at 8 am for graduation practice, then I have a another reseal for the Baccalaureate like right after Graduation reseal. Then we have the Baccalaureate. On Wednesday I have nothing to really do but I do have to go take an assessment test for a job at Bank of America, then I have to go to work. Joy I Love Work. On Thursday I have Graduation OMG I don�t have anything to wear. Then after Graduation there is project graduation. That is till 5 am Friday, then after that I am going home and sleeping all day then on Sat the 1st I am going to Ryan�s Party. Need some cute stuff to wear there too. At Ryan�s I have planned to get really really wasted!! And maybe even more! Weeee!!







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