Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


Don't understand boys!
October 30, 2001  3:40 p.m.


                               I don't get him. I love him more then the world and every time I try to tell him he doesn�t listen. And I don�t get why he believes other people over me? We�ve been together for 7 months and I never cheated on him or anything and then some stupid girl go off and tells him that I cheated on him with like 5 guys and I never did. I don�t understand why he would believe her over me? If he trusted me then he would believe me right? I would think so. I need some why to prove to him that I didn�t do it. I DONT UNDERSTAND BOYS!







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