Love Has No Limits

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Missing Aaron - July 24, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Another Blah Day - July 20, 2004
Bitch Fest "04 - July 19, 2004
An Update on my Life - July 16, 2004


Drugs Are Bad Bad Bad
July 29, 2002  11:37 a.m.


                               Ok so Greg and I had a talk last night. This talk was about using drugs. I know that in his past he has used a lot of drugs, but now that we are together he has stopped using them, except for weed, because I don�t like the idea of him using them. And he hasn�t used them since we have been going out. Well he wants to go to one last rave, and he doesn�t want to go sober. I don�t know if I should go ahead and tell him it is ok to do them or if I should stick to my ground, GRRRR I hate theses damn problems.

I still need $440!! Any Ideas?








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